REVISION: The Beatenberg-Niederhorn cable car is closed. The Beatenbucht-Beatenberg funicular railway is running according to the timetable.

Rocky slide slope

Fun and adventure for the little ones
Rocky’s slide slope makes even the smallest visitors’ hearts beat faster. First attempts at sliding and fun in the snow are guaranteed on the gentle kids slope. A perfect excursion with children, as the slope is well secured behind the Berghaus Niederhorn. With great views and the cheeky ibex Rocky, first attempts at sliding are twice as much fun and the Berghaus is not far away for a little lunch or a small coffee break.


Rocky slide slope

Rockys slide slope

Rocky’s slide slope is located directly behind the Berghaus Niederhorn and, with its gentle incline, is ideal for the little ones’ first attempts at sliding.

We would ask you to observe the following rules:

  • Never let children use the slope unsupervised.
  • Keep your distance from the broadcast tower (danger of falling ice) and the ridge fence (extremely steep terrain behind it).
  • We ask you not to use the snow slider in the danger zones (marked in red at map). Dangerous, invisible ice fields can occur here and sufficient distance must be kept from ski slopes.
  • Use of the toboggan run with the snow slider is prohibited.

Snow slider

You can buy our cool Rocky snow slider at the Niederhorn mountain station. Aks our staff and they are happy to help.